
- That's bullshit!
- Don't talk to me about bullshit, Hopkins.

Everyone knows you have a wild hair up
your ass about murdered women.

And if you really cared about God...
you'd first ask him to help you
with your personal life.

Hopkins, forget this thing.
Spend some time with your family.
I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

- Thank you for the advice, Captain.
- Hopkins.

If you go to the media, I'll crucify you.
I'll have you back in uniform, rousting
piss bums on Skid Row.

Two days. That's what you've got
to give me the help I need.

After that, you can get your fucking
field reports on the 6:00 news, sir.

What can I do for you, sir?
How long you been
with the Sheriff's department, Haines?

Nine years.
- How long at the West Hollywood station?
- Eight.

Still live on Larrabee?
That's right.
I'm surprised.
West Hollywood is a faggot sewer, isn't it?
I think a good cop should live on his beat.
