Look, Miss... Ms. McCan'thy...
I don't want to tell you the condition in
which I found the Niemeyer woman.
But I will tell you the poem
was written in human blood.
His own, probably,
which gives you some idea...
of the kind of psychopath
we're dealing with.
What is it you want from me?
I need...
I need feedback on this Rage in the Womb.
What is it about? What kind of book is it?
I need to know if you've had
strange men in your store...
specifically men in their 30s...
buying feminist literature, acting angry,
or furtive, or in any way out of the ordinary.
Rage in the Womb is an angry book.
It's a polemic...
a broadside against many things,
violence perpetuated on women in specific.
I think I sold my last copy a month ago.
To a man or a woman?
I don't think I've ever sold a copy to a man.
I don't think...
I've had a single man in his 30s in here.
That's that.
I'm sorry.
I'd like to help any way I can.
You wouldn't like to start
with a cup of coffee, would you?
Right now I'm running on empty.
Okay. Sure.
Lloyd, I'm so glad you made it.
Hi, Estelle. This is Kathleen McCan'thy.