Dangerous Liaisons

l was quite relieved to be rid of her,

No, you weren't.
For some years now,
Bastide has been searching for a wife.

He was always unshakably prejudiced
in favour of convent education.

And now he's found the ideal candidate.
Cécile Volanges.
Very good.
And her 60,000 a year.
That must have played some small part
in Bastide's calculations.

None whatsoever.
Bastide's priority, you see...
...is a guaranteed virtue.
I wonder if I'm beginning to guess
what it is you're intending to propose.

Bastide is with his regiment in Corsica
for the rest of the year.

That should give you plenty of time.
You mean to...?
-She's a rosebud.
-You think so?

And he'd get back from his honeymoon...
...to find himself the laughing stock
of Paris.


Love and revenge. Two of your favourites.
No, l can't.
Oh really, l can't.
-Why not?
-Oh, it's too easy.

lt is.
She's seen nothing.
She knows nothing.
She's bound to be curious.

She'd be on her back...
...before you'd unwrapped
the first bunch of flowers.

Any one of a dozen men could manage it.
l have my reputation to think of.
l can see l'm going to have
to tell you everything.

-Of course you are.

My aunt is not on her own
just at the moment.

She has a young friend staying with her.
