Yes, but what l ask was, how?
When l came out into society l was 15.
l already knew that the role
l was condemned to...
...namely, to keep quiet
and do what l was told...
...gave me the perfect
opportunity to listen and observe.
Not to what people told me,
which naturally was of no interest...
...but to whatever it was
they were trying to hide.
l practised detachment.
l learnt how to look cheerful
while under the table...
...l stuck a fork into the back of my hand.
l became...
...a virtuoso of deceit.
lt wasn't pleasure l was after,
it was knowledge.
l consulted the strictest moralist
to learn how to appear.
Philosophers, to find out what to think.
And novelists,
to see what l could get away with.
And in the end l distilled everything
to one wonderfully simple principle...
...win or die.
So, you're infallible, are you?
lf l want a man, l have him.
lf he wants to tell, he finds that he can't.
That's the whole story.
And was that our story?
l wanted you before we'd ever met.
My self-esteem demanded it.
Then when you began to pursue me...
...l wanted you so badly.
lt's the only time l have ever been
controlled by my desire.
Single combat.