Dekalog, jeden

The Warden wants to know
whether you're ready yet?

Not yet...
You were saying...
I don't remember
But you told me it was a triple grave
Yes, that's right
Marysia's buried there and Father
...and the third place is free

They put Marysia there five years age
Yes, she was run over...
by a tractor five years ago
Back in our village...
She was starting the sixth form
of elementary school

This means she was twelve
when she died

The sixth form
That tractor-driver,
he was an acquaintance

We'd been drinking together
We'd had wine and vodka
And then he drove away,
and ran her over

...on a meadow near that forest
There was a meadow there, you know
I've been thinking
Had she been alive, everything
would have been different

I wouldn't have to go away
I'd have stayed in the village
