"Yes, Madam?"
Take a look at these!
Ordinary notifications
They're from your area
Did you write them out?
"No, it wasn't me"
I always write with a pencil
Don't you hear?
They aren't from our office
I found these in my own post-box!
And there's the stamp of
you office on them
The post office isn't mine
It's national
You must have wrote them out yourself
You'd better inform the police about it
"Yes, you're right"
"May I have the notifications, please?"
"Oh no, you're not getting them"
They're forged
"Just look at her,"
tried to swindle money!
Want anything from me?
I'd like you to know
There wasn't any money
And the notifications?
That was my doing
I wanted to see you
To see me?
You wanted to see me
"You cried yesterday, didn't you?"
How do you know?
I've been peeping at you...
I've been peeping at you
through the window