I feared this might happen
She's away
What shall we do?
"Well, two hours have passed"
"Yes, two and a half actually"
Now listen to me
You're bringing Ania back
Father will sell the car and his organ
You'll buy a flat for yourself
You'll see Ania whenever
you'll like...
"You'll take her with you on all Sundays,"
to the cinema or no matter where
Ania will be mine and yours
"After my death,"
she'll be yours only
Want anything else?
"Yes, your authenticated consent to"
Ania's going abroad... to Canada
I need it for tomorrow
Do you understand?
Please... I can't
"In that case,"
you won't ever see us again
Ania's asleep in my arms now
And I don't care
This night I understood...
I only have her and nobody else
in the world
"I'm counting five, if you don't say yes"
"you can say good-bye to us, forever"
"one, two..."
"three, four, five..."