Dekalog, jeden

But she can't stay there any longer
The girl's father is in the ghetto
His friends try to find
a new place for her

The place is found but her
future guardians pose a condition

The girl must have an official
certificate of baptism

It's a cold evening
The girl visits a married couple
...who have agreed to be
her godparents

They are Catholics, and young
The girl's frozen
She has spent all day getting through the
city with her guardian to reach this flat

Well, she now goes in
accompanied by the guardian

The husband seems nervous
The wife is calm

They serve hot tea
The girl wants that tea very much
but there isn't time

The parent's waiting,
and the curfew's near

But the woman who should start
getting dressed

...asks them to sit down instead
Get out of here!
Please go out
Thank you
You said it was in 1943?
Yes, in February
