Dekalog, jeden

That's only natural
And you lived forty years
with that certainty

I didn't ever know you were alive
I left you all alone
I sent you to what was a
nearly certain death

And I knew
...what I was doing
Yes, you're right
No idea, no thought,
nothing can be more important

...that the life of a child
What do you tell your students?
About how they should live?
I don't tell them anything
I'm there to help them reach
their own conclusion

It's the right that matters
It does exist
I believe it exist in all men
A situation can release either
the right or the wrong

That evening released
no right in myself

Who's the one to evaluate it?
The One who's inside all of us
I never noticed a mention about
God in your works

I'm not a church-goer
