Dekalog, jeden

I have a voice
How's that?
A singing voice
My mother is a hard-working woman
She wants me to be somebody

I wasn't admitted to the school
of music because of my heart

I shouldn't sing, my heart's too weak,
but Mother wants me to become a singer

What's your specialty?
Bach and Mahler
Do you know Mahler?

And... van den Budemayer?
No, I don't know that one
His works are... well, difficult
But I can sing them

Mother wants me to make a career
abroad or at least here

This is what that operation's for
Mother wants the ward head to operate
on me or better still, you

Do you want it, too?
I want to live, that's enough for me
I don't have to sing

Besides, I'm scared
I guess the ward head wanted you to
reassure me to tell me
it isn't dangerous

I'll be able to do everything

Well, go on, tell me
Know what, it's not that simple
Such operations are usually
carried out to save, I mean...

They are the last resort,
when nothing else can be done

Which is not the case with me, right?
Frankly speaking, that's what I mean
Various people have different needs
Mother wants me to have everything
...while I only need this much
