You bought it for forty thousand
I'm afraid that stamp cheated
my son out of
those stamps and gave
him rubbish instead
I don't know
what you're talking about
I see
Say I'd like to buy something
in your shop...
Well, a series of German stamps,
Polarfahrt with the Zeppelins in them
From 1931...
Could we perhaps...?
Do you want to buy?
We may...
...discuss it
Is this what you mean?
Well, it's for sale
How much?
Er... Two hundred forty thousand
The price isn't high
Well, if that's so, the next time
I'll bring the police here
I'm sorry
It's all right
You can use my phone, sir
Well, do you want to
...use the phone or not?
I've got a receipt here
The former owner of the series was
...going abroad and sold the stamps
to me for
...one hundred sixty-eight thousand
Here's the stamp duty
And this is my license
Take a look, please