How do you cope with bathing?
I warm potfuls of
water on the stove
Look here, Madam...
I really don't know
You see... I...
We're very happy together,
my husband and I...
I love him very much
I saw you together several times
You seemed happy
Please try to understand me...
We know nothing about causes...
very little about effects...
and next to nothing
about prognosis
They tell patients the
truth in America
So they do
They usually prove right...
It's different with optimistic forecasts
I don't care, I can stand
a pessimistic prognosis
Please tell me: Is he going to die?
I have to know
I want to do everything
I can for him
There's nothing you can do
Just wait
If you let me talk
just a minute longer,
I'll tell you about my problem
Go on
You see, I couldn't get
pregnant before I'm pregnant now