Let me tell you something
I used to go away, to spend night out
I left you alone because...
because I wanted something to happen
Something irreversible
At first I thought it would with
your first man, but it didn't
And then I just dreamed that
you should have a baby, I still dream about it
That's why I had an abortion, I didn't want
you to tell me it was all right
For that same reason, I didn't tell you
I was going to have that abortion
I was afraid you'd say, Ah well,
do as you wish, my girl
It's all right
Has it never occurred to you
at I didn't want anything irreversible to happen
What do you want my baby for?
You just want everything to be settled
without you once more, just like that letter
To be opened after my death
I'm putting it back where it belongs