Eeeh! Sorry, Hans. Wrong guess.
Would you like to go for doublejeopardy
where the scores can really change?
Mm, these are very bad for you.
Who are you, then?
Just the fly in the ointment, Hans.
The monkey in the wrench,...
..the pain in the ass.
Check on all the others.
Don't use the radio.
See if he's lying about Marco...
..and find out
if anyone else is missing.
Mr Mystery Guest,...
..are you still there?
Yeah, I'm still here...
..unless you want to open
the front door for me.
No, I'm afraidnot...
..but you have me at a loss.
You know my name, but who are you?
Just another American
who saw too many movies as a child?
Another orphan
of a bankrupt culture...
..who thinks he's John Wayne,
Rambo, Marshal Dillon?
I was always partial
to Roy Rogers, actually.
I liked those sequined shirts.
Do you really think you have
a chance against us, Mr Cowboy?
Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker.
I'll beat everyone if I get a remote.
Sam, I don't have the new pages.
Harvey, keep your pants on.
Sam, I'm begging you.
Simon's with the remote.
I'll tell him to swing by.
I won't sit on this!
This is my story!
I'm going out there!
Look, Sam. Tell you what.
You don't give me a truck,
I'll steal a truck.
Give us a break, Thornburg.
Eat it, Harvey!
..four, three, two,...
Harvey, we're on the air.
Good evening.
This is Harvey Johnson.
And I'm Gail Wallens.
This is Nightline News at 10.00.
Our top stories
on this Christmas Eve...