Please don't be mad.
He wouldn't let you leave
unless I paid your loan.
What else did he say?
How you needed the money for
your country to fight communists.
It's just such a noble cause.
Please don't be angry with me.
Pretty please.
Here comes a creep man.
There's that smile!
Daddy says we'll have the biggest
wedding Tulsa's ever seen.
When can we fly back?
Perhaps we should go by ship.
Ruprecht loves the water.
Yes, Ruprecht.
Didn't I tell you about him?
Ruprecht is my brother.
-You have a brother?
-Yes, the young prince.
You mean I'm going home
with two princes?
Wherever I go, Ruprecht goes too.
When do I meet him?
He's in his room as we speak.
-Would you like to meet him?
-I would love to.
-What's he doing out here?
-His quarters are here.
I should warn you that Ruprecht is,
Ruprecht, it is I, your brother.
No sudden moves.