I know.
- He's a good guy, huh?
- Yep.
You think I'm being forward.
No. I wouldn't think that.
I lost a good friend in Vietnam.
So guys who were over there
are a little special to me.
Hey, let me get this.
There you go.
- You can just pay at the cashier.
- Oh. Right.
He's a cute kid. Yours?
How old is he?
He'll be 18 this month.
When was the last time
you saw him?
About the time that was taken.
You haven't had any contact
with him since?
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be critical...
I called him once.
A few years ago. On his birthday.
What did you say?
When I heard his voice...
...I couldn't say anything. I hung up.
Have you ever thought about
trying again?
Oh, sure. All the time.
Why don't you?
No, I'm no father. I never have been.
I bet a day doesn't go by that he
doesn't think of you as his father.
What makes you so sure?
I lost my dad in Vietnam.