#Here we come a-wandering #
#So fair to be seen #
#Love and joy come to you #
#And to you, your wassail, too #
#And God bless you #
#And send you a happy new year #
#And God send you
a happy new year #
# God bless the master
of this house #
#Likewise, the mistress too #
#And all the little children #
# That 'round the table go #
#Love and joy come to you #
#And to you, your wassail, too #
#And God bless you #
#And send you
a happy new year #
#And God send you
a happy new year ##
# Oh, Christmas tree #
# Thou tree most fair and lovely #
# Oh, Christmas tree #
# Thou tree most fair and lovely #
#A sign of peace at Christmastime #
#Spreads hope and gladness
far and wide #
# Oh, Christmas tree #
# Thou tree most fair and lovely ##
- First time in Orlando?
- Oh, no.
I fly in once a year.
Of course,
I usually come in a different way.
- Where are you from?
- Up north.
Me, too.
- What line of work are you in?
- Toys, mostly.
No fooling?
You been in it long?