I'll take those.
Where to?
Orlando Children's Museum.
Hey, come back here!
Ha! Ha!
Bobby, we've got 9 crates on hold,
and they've got to be
picked up on the 24th.
I can't believe it!
Who in their right mind...
would be working on the 24th?
That's Christmas eve.
I'll tell you who.
"We" who, that's who.
Rain, sleet, hail,
the Super Bowl,
the 4th of July.
Bobby, if it weren't for us,
this airline would never get off the ground.
Ain't that right, Bobby?
I guess if you want things
done right,
you gotta do it yourself.
Yo, Bob!
Break's over.
Sun gettin' to you?
Yes, it's not as bright at night.
I'm usually here at night.
Here you go.
I always keep an extra pair.
Oh, thank you, Ernest.
You know, I don't want to
insult you or nothin',
- but do you know who you remind me of?
- Santa Claus?
I guess you hear that a lot.
Oh, yes.
But then, it's to be expected.
Because you look like him?
Because I am him.
Because you "am" him.
Well, how about that?