Excuse me.
I'm looking for a man
named Joseph Carruthers.
I'm the greatest.
Me too, me too!
For millions of years,
dinosaurs ruled the Earth.
- Roar.
- Roar.
Hey, don't do that!
Then, something
really strange happened.
Uh-oh, it's the ice age!
Oh, no, I don't feel too good.
He's a wonderful man.
We're so lucky
to have him with us.
You don't need to tell me.
I've watched him for years.
Yes, well, he's been
such a help here,
and the children
just love him.
I hope he gets something
going for himself soon.
Oh, I imagine he'll have
his hands full very shortly.
That's why we don't see dinosaurs
around anymore.
Hey, listen.
I want to thank all you kids
for coming to see me today.
Why do I say "thank you"?
Because they never seem old,
they always seem new,
those 3 little words,
"please" and "thank you. "
#Jingle bells, checkbook swells #
# Big deals on the way ##
Hey, babe, park it in the shade.
What do you say? All right.