I was a little nervous.
He's a natural with the kids.
He's already got them saying
"please" and "thank you. "
You're the director, Carl,
but personally,
I think there's chemistry here.
Chemistry is very important.
- You've got it, they want it.
- Really?
Yeah, yeah.
They want to shoot some tests
- but don't worry about that.
- Great!
By the way,
what happened to the old guy?
Forget him. You've got
a new career about to fire up.
Good, but did he ever
find his sack or whatever it was?
Yeah, yeah.
Taken care of.
I know what we need, Vern.
Bolt cutters!
He's him.
There's no such
thing. Think about it,;
a guy who flies around
the whole world...
in one night.
It just doesn't quite correspond...
with the laws of time and travel.