I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie.
I would've started for you...
...if I wasn't already taking it.
I didn't tell you...
...because I didn't want you
to think I was easy.
We waited two and a half years.
Why would I think you were easy?
-This is all my fault.
It's not like you were there
by yourself, you know?
I never thought it would happen
like this.
I knew it'd be you, I knew that much,
but like this...
...surrounded by Hush Puppies.
-Lisa Jordan had two already.
-I heard Marilyn Monroe had 13.
-Who's Lisa Jordan?
-She sits behind you in calculus.
-Still, it's no big deal.
-Look, this is Darcy's decision.
-It's her life.
-Oh, her life.
-It's her body.
-Stan and I are going to California!
What's he do with his body,
stay home and babysit?
-We can give it up for abortion.
-That's what I said.
-That's what he said.
-No, he said, abortion.
-No, I said, adoption.
-I heard you, Stan. Loud and clear.
Well, you heard me wrong, okay?
-You went out with Stan Bobrucz?
-You're lying.
-I am not. We were in seventh grade.
-We were children.
-Yeah, weren't we all?
Since then, he's gotten so mature.
So deep.
-Michaela, you're so bad.
-You want to know bad?
Tying a guy down before he's old
enough to buy a drink.
You won't read about Darcy getting
knocked up in her precious paper.
So I'll just write it on the wall.
I love it when the smart kids
turn out to be so stupid.
I'm almost into my second trimester.
We have to tell them.
-It's not gonna go away.
-Don't worry. We'll figure it out.
It doesn't make sense to tell them
until we decide what to do.