For Keeps

Where'd you hear a word like that?
-Mary said it.
-Lou said it.

You know the rules in this house.
No lying.

Where'd you hear that?
Well, all right!
I'm gonna ask you one more time!
Where did you hear that word?
I'm pregnant.
Can you pass the turnips?

Abortion is not a dirty word.
It's a medical solution.

Abortion is not a dirty word.
It's a medical solution.

You can forget about abortion!
This kid's going up for adoption!

-That's that!
-You've never heard of choice.

Why would you?
It's not a four-letter word.

What the hell does that mean?
Look, I know you think you're in love.
I thought I was in love once too.
When's the last time we saw
your father or a check?

Honey, promise me
you won't have this baby!

-The whole world is your oyster!
-What about my son's oysters?

He has a career ahead of him,
designing schools, churches and shit!

We're going to Paris next summer.
-If we could just discuss--
-Butt out! We're deciding your future!

Honey, do you know how many people
would love to adopt a baby?

Don't be stupid!
That takes care of Stan.

Hey, call your daughter stupid!
She got herself in trouble!

-Oh, she got herself pregnant?!

-Hallelujah! It's another virgin birth!
-Let's not drag the church into this.

Why not? Your husband wants
to hide my daughter in a convent...

:19:50 she won't embarrass your family.
Gonna do this every time Stan
gets a girl pregnant?

-Let's keep it.
-Grow up! You had a gerbil.

You forgot to feed it. It died.
