You never told me Stan's gerbil died.
You said he ran away!
This is the smartest thing you've ever
done. It leaves all the options open.
I'll get off work early to be here
when you get home.
We can pretend this whole thing
never happened.
I still think I should go with you.
Mom, we've already settled this.
Lila's going with me.
Stan's picking me up
and taking me to the clinic.
Great, Stan. Okay.
Well, you'll be in and out of there,
honey, you'll see.
Come here.
You okay?
Just thank God you got such
an understanding mother, huh?
So this is the right thing, right?
We said we want to do what's right.
I gotta go.
Call me when you get home.
I'll come over, okay?
Okay. Everything's gonna be fine.
I know it.