Now, don't push.
Take in nice, slow breaths.
-Oh, my God. Look at it.
-Just breathe. Okay?
It's a girl.
There she is. Take a look at her.
She looks great.
-She's beautiful.
-That was terrific. You're a brave girl.
Perfect. Stan, would you like
to cut the cord?
lsn't there someone
a little more qualified?
Darcy, would you like
to hold your daughter?
She's nice.
I want my mother.
-Stan, would you get my mother?
Let me suction her out
a little bit more.
Right here to the right.
If you could just speak
to her calmly, with sensitivity--
Mrs. Elliot, I've been
an adoption liaison for 1 0 years.
If she gives up her child, she has
six months to change her mind.
No, no, she'll be in Paris by then,
and after that, college.
Excuse me. I'm Mrs. Elliot,
Darcy's mother.
-Bobrucz. Darcy Bobrucz.
Sure. Around the corner, 3C.
Has Darcy seen her baby yet?
Has she seen her baby yet?
Well, I should say so.
Say hi to Grandma.
Oh, my God.
We lose a lot of them this way.
Oh, God.
How's my girl?
I saw her.