Sure you don't want to hold her?
Extra extras.
This is Jeopardy. Now entering
the studio, today's contestants.
This is Jeopardy. Now entering
the studio, today's contestants.
A plumber from Antlers, Oklahoma,
let's welcome Johnny Lee Bartlett.
-Is she breast-feeding?
-She doesn't even want to hold her.
The doctor says it's just a phase.
Her age, all the changes.
The natural tendency
to mother will kick in.
I mean, it's a genetic animal instinct.
-You mean, like Wild Kingdom?
-Sort of.
I don't know, man.
Maybe she didn't get enough oxygen
to her brain during the delivery.
Maybe she wanted a boy.
Because, you know, in China
they only allow one kid per family.
So sometimes if they have a girl first,
they'll kill it.
-It's true.
Stan, this is a complex
manifestation of jealousy.
You're paying too much attention
to the other woman.
I didn't know you could pay
too much attention to a baby.
I know. I know.
-Is that my niece?
-Say hi to your Aunt Mary.
-She's so cute.
-Hi, honey.
-How are you?
-Oh, let me have that baby.
Oh, don't be upset.
Look at those teeny-weeny feet.
Look at those teeny-weeny feet.
Look at those ears.
-Does Dad know you're here?
-Are you kidding?
-Where's Darcy?
-She's in the bedroom.
Postpartum depression.
How did Stan and Darcy
get the name?
Did Stan and Darcy name
the baby after Grandma?
Yeah, yeah, I guess so.