Hei tai yang 731

ldiots! Listen!
l'm the new Section Head, Captain Kawasaki.
From now on you are in the Kwangtung Army,
members of the 731 Squadron Youth Corps!
lf you get the chance to go to Harbin,
weather you leave or your day off,
you must change into civilian clothes before leaving,
& when you return,
put your uniforms back on at Bai Hua Liao.
lf you run into any other Japanese
or if you are stopped by a patrol,
you will not reveal your secondment to this squadron.
ls that clear?
Yes, Sir!
lt's almost three years since 1942
A toast to you and your brothers reunion.
Thank you, Sir.
Now, Gentleman,
l've not been here for the last couple of years
but l know all about what has been going on here.
l've looked into the research done by Mr. Kitano
and l think it has been handled wrongly.
What we need most now
is to increase the production & the number
of bacteria.

We must use bacterial weapons in the war
to speed our victory.
A toast to victory!
To the empire!
