Imagine: John Lennon

Every time he sat down,
he never wasted a minute.

And it was always either drawing
or writing poetry...

or reading. He was a great reader.
And he sang himself to sleep every night.
And then when I was 16...
I re-established a relationship
with my mother for about four years.

She taught me music.
She first of all taught me the banjo...

and, from that, I progressed to guitar.
And then, unfortunately, she was run over
by an off-duty policeman...

who was drunk at the time.
I lost her twice. Once as a 5-year-old
when I was moved in with my auntie...

and once again when I was
re-establishing a relationship with her.

That was really a hard time for me...
and it just absolutely made me
very, very bitter.

The underlying chip on my shoulder
I had as a youth was really big then.

It was very traumatic for me.
