Imagine: John Lennon

So he could translate for us
and suggest a lot of things. Which he did.

And he'd come up with
amazing technical things.

When the Beatles were depressed,
thinking the group was going nowhere...

and this is a shitty deal,
and we're in a shitty dressing room...

I'd say, "Where are we going, fellas?"
And they'd go, "To the top, Johnny!"
And I'd say, "Where's that, fellas?"
And they'd say,
"To the toppermost of the poppermost!"

And I'd say, "Right!"
Then we'd all sort of cheer up.

When I was a Beatle...
I thought, "We're the best fucking group
in the goddamn world. "

And believing that
is what made us what we were.

It was just a matter of time
before everybody else caught on.

Thank you.
For our last number,
I'd like to ask your help.

For the people in the cheaper seats,
clap your hands.

And the rest of you,
if you'd just rattle your jewelry.

We'd like to sing a song called,
Twist and Shout.
