it was the first time that he actually
called me in quite a long time.
It was an exciting thing for me to go
and see him again...
after not seeing him for such a while.
And at the time, I was living in...
I won't say a small house, but it
was a completely different situation.
It was on a street
with lots of houses, lots of friends.
And Tittenhurst was this enormous...
palace-like place with 99 acres...
golf-cart buggies, a lake, a little island
in the middle of the lake...
It was like a house of fun.
It was a completely different experience.
It was wonderful. I loved the place.
I don't remember seeing him as a child.
It was the height of the Beatle thing
so I was working all the time.
I never considered what it was
doing to him. I didn't even count it.
The mother was at home. I was away.
Like most guys at 24 or 25, they're too
intent on their career really, you know.
John, as a father, was forced,
I'm afraid, to be a part-time dad.
He wrote to me saying that...
"I'm so sad and I'm so sorry
that I've missed the fact...
"that Julian has been growing up...
"that he is now a little man
and I miss him dreadfully.
"And I've been a right bastard...
"because I've taken no notice of him...
"and I've read the papers
and pushed him out of the room...
"because he's been making noises."
That was the point when he suddenly
realized that he was a father...
Julian was a special little person...
not just a figment of his imagination
when he came home in the early days.
You're going over to the States
early in the new year...
and you're going to top the bill
on the Ed Sullivan coast-to-coast show.
John, so far, all
British pop stars have not
made a tremendous
impact on the States.
How do you think you're gonna fare?
Well, I can't really say, can I?
I mean, is it up to me? No.
I mean, I just hope we go all right.
Are you going to vary your act at all
for the American audience?
No. We haven't really got an act,
so we'll just do what we do.