because we were already successful.
And I knew that I could do in the studio
just what I wanted.
And I knew that they wanted
to experiment a bit more.
So we just let our hair down
and went for broke.
In fact, when I say Pepper, I mean
I'm starting off with Strawberry Fields...
which was the beginning ofPepper,
although it wasn't on the album.
That was one of the great songs he did.
I really wasn't aware of their taking drugs
much before that.
I was aware of them smoking pot.
And even during
the Sergeant Pepper bit...
I wasn't too sure about
what they were doing.
I didn't really want to know,
'cause I didn't approve of it.
And they were rather like school kids.
They used to keep it away from me.
If they wanted to go
and have a drag of a smoke...
they wouldn't do it in the studio.