Almost like the situation
with the Christ statement.
But see, they just asked
me a question. I gave them an answer.
And then it was blown up.
I mean, you know, I just spoke the truth
and it's sometimes painful.
This is the truth.
My son came home with a drawing...
and showed me
this strange-Iooking woman flying around.
I said, "What is it?" He said,
"It's Lucy in the sky with diamonds."
I thought, "That's beautiful."
I immediately wrote a song about it.
The song had gone out,
the whole album had been published...
when somebody noticed
that the letters spelled out "LSD."
And I had no idea about it.
And, of course,
after that I was checking...
all the songs to see
what the letters spelled out.
They didn't spell out anything.
None of the others.
It wasn't about that at all, you know.
The terrible news came
that Brian had died.
Apparently, he'd taken an overdose.
We were so shocked because
Brian was such a kingpin...
of what was going on in our lives.
He was the father figure.
And, all of a sudden, that had finished.
That really sent things into chaos.
Tickets, please. Thanks very much.
Following a lecture that everybody
had been to, to see the Maharishi...
they were invited to go to Bangor
for a weekend...
to do meditation and to feel
the experience of meditation.