That girl next to me just a moment ago
said, "Cynthia is better than her."
Initially, when we met...
I think there was a feeling of...
not really wanting to get together.
we knew this was a big one, both of us...
and we didn't want to get in.
And, then, when we got together...
I think we basically knew
that it was going to be it.
And after that, it took about a year,
I think...
before we finally got married.
Yes, fortunately...
we both agree.
Unfortunately, not always.
But in the end...
we get into something
and forget that we ever disagreed.
Fortunately, I met you at the right time.
Unfortunately, that's right.
in the end...
I wonder what's going to happen?
Fortunately, we don't know.
I'm in love with you.
Unfortunately, I'm in love with you, too.