decided that whatever... We knew...
whatever we did
was going be in the papers.
Whether it's Richard or Liz...
or so-and-so gets married...
or whatever people like us do
is gonna be in the papers.
So we decided to utilize the space...
we would occupy anyway,
by getting married...
with a commercial for peace.
And also a theatrical event.
And what we basically
had was a seven-day...
press conference in bed.
It's a bed-in, folks.
The first day they fought
at the door to get in...
thinking there was something
sexy going on.
And they found two people
talking about peace.
Even if you can beat the establishment
at their own game...
I don't believe in that game. I think
the only way to do it is Gandhi's way.
That's nonviolent, passive, positive
or whatever they call it these old days.
Is there not a more positive way
of demonstrating in favor of peace...
than sitting in bed
eating three square meals a day...
Now, it's a different age.
It's gimmicks and salesmanship.
And if that's what'll put it across,
that's the way to do it.
Whether you're protesting against
the conditions you live in...
or the conditions you work in,
or the conditions of the whole world.
- Can I talk to you?
- Yeah, sure.
Okay. Okay Rog.
I think we got the message over, Roger.
I think the message is catching on.
The peace message.
Chuck, don't you think so,
the peace message is catching on?
Right, he thinks so. We met a lot of
groovy people, made some good contacts.
- Right?
- For tomorrow?
For tomorrow? Who knows?
I'm a dreadful Neanderthal fascist.
How do you do?
John and Yoko, meet cartoonist Al Capp.
We've had all sorts in here.
I'm sure you have.
One of the things that had...
interested me was that you said
that you were very shy people.
Yes, we are.
And yet, these are...
- Does that prove you're not shy?
- Certainly not.