He looks me in the eye
like some fucking goldfish...
"and says,
""I´m gonna beat you""."
Oh, my God.
Hmm. That´s what
you guys are here for.
Listen to her.
That´s what he´s here for.
He´s here to lose.
That´s what he´s here for.
First of all, I am unbeatable.
- How old are you?
- Two years younger than you.
As I said, second of all,
you´re too skinny.
You´ve got tiny lungs.
I still don´t understand how you
can dive without getting sick.
The size of the lungs
has nothing to do with it.
The size of the lungs
has nothing to do with it.
How long can you
hold your breath?
Longer than you.
We´ll see.