I didn´t get
the fucking commercial.
So, did you see your therapist?
- Yeah.
- What did he say?
He said I have
a decision to make.
The answer is within me.
- You paid for that?
- Yeah.
What did you decide?
Jesus, Joey, you´re driving me crazy
with this already!
I mean, you don´t even want
to go shopping anymore.
You don´t want to talk
about my career no more.
You don´t want to do anything
that you used to want to do.
All you want to do is talk about
this guy that you don´t even know!
Just make a fucking decision!
- Stay.
- Good.
Bad, very bad.
We weren´t being cheated by
the Mafia or anyone, except you.
I know you think I´m a terrible person.
I´m not a terrible person.
I fell in love.
I mean, I really fell in love.
Do you understand?
I understand I could
have you arrested for fraud.
I´d be happy to pay you back, but I
just don´t happen to have the money now.
- If you dock my salary $20 a week...
- Don´t be cute, Johana.
I guess this is where
you fire me.
- You´re right, you´re fired.
- Thanks.
All right, who is this guy?
This lucky guy?
Remember Laurence in Peru?
It´s one of his divers.
- The Popsicle stick?
- Yeah. No, it´s a different guy.
Well, I´m happy for you.
Good luck.