- I can´t get him out of the bathtub.
- Sorry.
Uncle Louis.
- This is my friend, Johana.
- Hi.
Johana is visiting me.
He´s a bit deaf.
He´s 75.
It´s very nice to meet you,
Uncle Louis.
So, where are you from, Henrietta?
New York!
New York?
What kind of name is that?
No, I´m from New York.
Oh, yes!
The best lays are from New York.
Uncle Louis...
Johana is my friend.
She´s come to stay with me...
for a while.
Good. That way,
I´ll see more ofyou.
- Where are you gonna stay?
- Here.
Here? In my apartment?
It´s my apartment.
Liar! Thief!. Torturer!
Uncle Louis,
go back toyour bathtub.
I´m going to put a lock
on the telephone.
Have some more wine,
Uncle Louis.
Thank you, Henrietta.
I´ll change my name.
This is, uh, my room.