Is Brother Loong trying
to pull our legs?
You think they are going to write
"I am Guilty" on their face?
You're right, but how long
do we have to wait?
You should learn how to be patient,
if no result today wait for tomorrow.
lfthere isn't any result tomorrow,
we'll wait for the day after tomorrow.
Otherwise, don't even think about
becoming a Sergeant.
OK, we'll wait.
Let people walk through.
Just by yourself, mam?
Please have a seat!
What would you like to drink?
Fresh milk.
Check it out.
You don't have to tell me, I can tell.
She's very unproportion,
must be something strange.
Let me go check her out.
Let's not scare her away.
I've got an idea, just move over a bit.
Watch it!
Don't even blink your eyes.
Where is my glass?
Where is it?
Where is my glass?
Where did it go?
It didn't break and didn't roll out
onto the street.
Mam, can you help me to locate
the glass?
Could it be possible that
it dropped in your purse.
Magician, it's here!
Mam, just ajoke.