Let me see.
Let's get ready to get evidence.
Still inside there, get ready!
I am not...
Don't scream...
Let's beat the slit out of him.
Teach him a lesson for being a pervert.
C.I. D Perverts.
C.I. D! Perverts!
She's left
She's left!
Kwai Fong, Wo Tong Tsui Rd., Please.
She's take a cab.
We are police.
What's happened?
Is the cab in front ofyou
belongs to your co.?
Please use your radio to ask.
that cab driver, where's he going?
Sour Puss... Four eyes
calling Sour Puss.
What's matter? Four eyes.
What is your position?
I am at Toa Shun Street.
On my way to Kwai Fong, Wo Tong Tsui
How's business?
It's OK, you are buying lunch.
If so, I'll stop early.
Please tell Sour Puss that.
Mei Foo Bridge has
a serious car accident.
Tell him to change to Castle Peak Road.
Sour Puss, Mei Foo Bridge has
a serious car accident.
you've better change to
Castle Peak Road.
Serious car accident.
Car accident at Mei Foo Bridge,
is it OK we go Castle Peak Road?
That's up to you, so long
as it's fast, thank you.
Don't have to.