Los Angeles.
Do you have today's code?
Can you please tell me,
are we at forced readiness?
Has that been confirmed?
Why would we be at war?
There's no big crisis anywhere.
Not that we know about.
There's never going
to be a good enough reason why.
We would never attack.
If it was the fucking Russkies,
I might believe it, but not us.
And Thato, too?
When did they leave?
- Landa.
- Thank you.
Landa, you said
we had to strike first...
if it ever came down to it.
Remember, you told me that?
Do you remember?
I remember, Fred.
- Preemptive first strike!
- Shit!
They have to evacuate us first,
don't they?
You tell me where to?
And when was the last time...
they told you what to do
in case? There's no plans.
Earth to everybody!
Let's all get back
to reality here.
It's 4:00 in the a.m. Really!
More java, please.
I hope this isn't happening.
I used to have real awful
dreams about atom bombs.
Come on! We forgot about it!
It doesn't mean
it's not gonna happen!
Come on, Harlan,
we build three warheads a week!
Is the senator in?
Oh, really?
No. It can't be!
OK! I'm very serious
about this shit!
Now you tell me now!
You're joking, huh?
Come on, man.
Leave him alone, Fred.
He's just drunk.
Shut the fuck up! Shut up!
If you are, you tell me now.
Why in hell would I
make up this story, huh?
Look, if you want me
to say so, I will, but...
- But what?
- Fred, Fred, put the gun away!
But what?
It's true.
I ain't takin' no chances.
Joe, get the truck!
Jeez Louise, I never seen him
riled up like that before.
Come here. Come here.