and then he said,
"They see me on the monitor."
And then someone came in...
and he started going,
"Yes, sir. No, sir."
Then they shot him.
No. No. I heard gunshots.
And then someone else
got on the line.
And I said,
"Hey, is this a joke?"
And all he said was...
"Forget everything
you just heard...
"and go back to sleep."
I knew they'd do some
stupid shit like this one day!
They ain't gonna catch me
with my pants down!
Heck, I'm going up
to the San Gabriel mountains!
Mine shaft! Anybody that helps
can come, but bring cans!
Bring lots of cans!
I'm coming with you, Freddie!
That Thor Arthur stuff,
that meant something to you.
I know it did!
Is that the code for it?
It's possible.
How the hell
would you know, lady?
Because I used to date a guy...
who worked
at the Rand Corporation.
I've just been trying to reach
a few of our friends...
who could tell me
if the unthinkable...
was being thought about in D.C.
At this very moment,
4 out of 5 are in transit...
to the extreme
southern hemisphere.
I find that
more than just very curious.
So what do we do?
We have less than
forty-six minutes till we know.
And then everyone will.
I'd like a head start.
The streets will be jammed.
I'm ready
to make a commitment...
to getting to the airport
as fast as possible...
and finding out from there.
Step on a plane, at least.
- Come on.
- This is fuckin' crazy!
Come on, buddy! I'm going.
How far do you have to go
to get away from an atom bomb?
There won't be any atom bomb,
just missiles.
A dozen for L.A., I bet.
Make a mental note... line up
heliport shuttle to L.A.X.
Hey, hey, hey! Wait a second!
Where does Julie live?
Park La Brea.
It's just over there.
I know, I know,
but which building?
It's building 351.
Let me go!
Roger! You coming with us?
Suit yourself.