Miracle Mile

- No, we've got to wake her up.
- Wait a minute.

You just tell me
what the hell's going on.

Mrs. Peters,
in a half an hour...

there's gonna be
a full-on nuclear attack.

The missiles
are on their way now.

L.A.'s gonna be a desert again
very soon.

- Why?
- I don't know why.

Listen, grab anything
you want to take.

We're going to the Mutual
Benefit Life building...

on Wilshire.
There's a helicopter there
that'll take us to the airport.

I feel like Prince... somebody.
Let's go! Let's get
out of here, man! Come on!

Hold on! I'll be right there!
Sorry, man, I got to go.
Julie, wake up.
Damn it! Pick up the phone!
Do you have a car, Mrs. Peters?
There's one down in the garage.
I haven't driven it for years.

I don't even know
where the keys are.

How long do we have?
About 15 to 20 minutes
before the chopper leaves.

Does she always sleep
this deep?

She took a valium.
Oh, you could give her
one of these diet pills...

kind of speed it up.
It'll make her sick,
but it'll wake her up.

I think
I'll just let her sleep.

I don't want her to know
until she has to.

Lucy, can you jog along with us?
Well, I'm elderly.
I'm not decrepit.

