Aw, darling.
I think we better get going.
No, no. We'll get the car
and catch up with you.
5900 Wilshire.
What am I doing in this cart?
Did I sleep all day...
or is it the next night?
You didn't show.
The power went out in the hotel.
The alarm didn't work.
OK, could've happened.
You could've called.
I tried. It was too late.
Hey, you know, this thing
is kind of cutting into my leg.
Maybe you could just,
like, get me out of this.
Put your arm around my neck.
Here... here we go.
All right. OK, good.
- You OK?
- Yeah, but my leg's asleep.
- OK, come on.
- Wake up. Come on.
You'll be OK. Come on, let's go.
I know where we're going.
You do?
It's one of those
balloon rides, right?
Champagne brunch, wafting out
over L.A. at sunrise.
Sounds like something you'd
cook up, am I right? Huh?
Yeah, maybe.
With your luck,
it won't have any air in it.
You're probably right
about that.