He'd just taken his girlfriend home
and was walkin' back along the road...
...when a car pulled up.
Three white boys took him for a ride.
...he hadn't done anything...
...be a Negro.
And they took him to a shack.
A shack like... like this one.
And they took out a razor blade...
...a regular old razor blade, like this one...
...and they pulled down his pants...
...and they spread his legs...
...and they sliced off his scrotum.
Put it in a coffee cup.
May the peace and the joy
in the Holy Ghost abide with all of you...
And do you know how much you bleed
when somebody cuts off your balls?
...for now and for ever. Amen.
When they found Homer, he looked like
he'd been dipped in blood up to his waist.
He was barely alive when
they got him to the hospital.
He can hardly walk now.
Mayor, we know you know...
...who was there when those three
civil rights boys was murdered.
We know you know
who pulled the trigger.
Is there somethin' you wanna say to me?