Mississippi Burning

- Is he with the Bureau?
- Yeah. He's kind of a specialist.

- You're sure the mayor won't talk?
- No, they'd kill him!

All right. What do you have?
You already been told once, nigger.
We don't wanna have to tell you again.

There were three cars and seven men.
Pell and Bailey did the killing.

- Sheriff Stuckey?
- He was too smart to be there.

You make any more trouble by flappin'
them boot-lips off to them federal men...

- So Pell pulled the trigger for him.
- And Townley?

...we'll sure as hell put you in the ground,
boy, and that's without a pine box!

It was his idea. Grand Dragons,
they don't get their hands dirty.

The whole thing, huh? Bullet by bullet.
You understand me?
I don't suppose you're interested in words
like "coercion" or "hearsay" or "duress".

This is no good in court.
We're not in court, Mr. Ward.
We'll never get 'em on murder anyway.


That's a state charge.
These hayseeds will never prosecute.

- I know that!
- We've got to get 'em in federal court!

- Violation of civil rights!
- Remember whose rights you're violatin'!

- Don't put me on your perch, Mr. Ward!
- Don't drag me into your gutter!

These people crawled out of a sewer,
Mr. Ward!

And maybe the gutter's
where we should be!

Thank you.
This better be important.
Who the hell called this meeting?
- We thought you did.
- Of this group? Are you stupid?

You didn't call this? Shit.
- If you didn't call this, who the fuck did?
- Shut up.

Is this some kind of bullshit setup?
Ray, are you sure you didn't call this?

Cos I got a note from my wife
and it said it was from you and Clinton.
