Mississippi Burning

Well, hell.
Looks like we got some company.

Some Hoover boys come down to visit.
- How ya doin'?
- Good.

- I'm Sheriff Stuckey.
- Rupert Anderson.

Rupert, we've been expectin' you.
- I assume you met my deputy, Mr. Pell.
- Sure did.

You down here to help us
solve our nigger problems?

No. It's just a missing-person case.
Well, come on.
- You gonna want your boy in on this?
- Sheriff...

I'm Special Agent Ward
and I'm in charge of this case.

We think it might be a little
more serious than missing persons.

I don't think so, boy.
Know what I think it is?

It's a publicity stunt cooked up
by that Martin Luther King fella.

Come on.
At around 3pm, Deputy Pell says
he arrested the three boys for speeding.

He held them in jail until 10pm
and then released them.

They drove off. He says he followed them
as far as the county line...

...and never saw them again.
Why didn't they make a phone call?
- Why should they?
- These boys were trained activists.

They're taught to check in every hour and,
if arrested, the moment they're released.

The hotel is near the jail. They could've
phoned from the lobby. It doesn't follow.

Maybe they had a beer.
- Not these boys.

The civil rights office in Rossville started
making calls when they didn't check in.

The sheriff's office here said
they had no idea where the boys were.

First lie.
By who?
Sheriff's office or civil rights office?

Who would you believe?
Mr. Ward, I was a sheriff in a little
Mississippi town just like this.

- Yes, I'm aware of that.
- Well, lyin' just don't come into it.
