Mississippi Burning

That was a big deal around that town.
My daddy hated that mule.
His friends kidded him that they saw
Monroe ploughin' with his new mule...

...and Monroe was gonna rent
another field now that he had a mule.

One morning that mule
just showed up dead.

They poisoned the water.
After that there was never any mention
about that mule around my daddy.

One time we were drivin' past
Monroe's place and we saw it was empty.

He'd just packed up and left, I guess.
Gone up North or somethin'.

I looked over at my daddy's face...
...and I knew he'd done it.
And he saw that I knew.
He was ashamed.
I guess he was ashamed.
He looked at me and he said...
..."If you ain't better than a nigger,
son, who are you better than?"

Do you think that's an excuse?
No, it's not an excuse.
It's just a story about my daddy.

Where does that leave you?
With an old man who was so full of hate...
...that he didn't know that
bein' poor was what was killin' him.

Get the light! Get the light!
You all right?
I guess they know we're here.
