- Who's the big shot?
- It's the Klan.
No pointy hats but plenty of pointy heads.
Let me run a check on the plates.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Say hello to our mayor, Mr. Tilman here.
- How do you do, Anderson?
- Mr. Mayor. Mr. Barber.
Well, this looks like the place to be.
Even for me.
Yep. Nothin' like a barbershop
for jawin' your socks off.
Where you from, Anderson?
Thornton, Mississippi, sir.
Just a spit from Tennessee.
Well, then you must know
how we all feel down here.
We don't take to outsiders
tellin' us how to live our lives.
And I'm here to tell ya,
our nigras were happy...
...till those beatnik college kids
came down here stirrin' things up.
Before that, there wasn't
anybody complainin'.