...why don't you get back to your commie,
nigger-lovin' bosses up North?
You must not know my boss - Mr. Hoover.
He's not too fond of commies.
He'd be on your side there.
I don't give two shits whose side
your Mr. Hoover's on, boy.
All I know is we got 5,000 niggers in this
county who ain't registered to vote yet.
And, as far as I'm concerned,
they never will.
So tell your stiff suits up in Washington,
DC, they ain't gonna change us one bit.
Unless it's over my dead body.
Or a lot of dead niggers.
Two beer cans, a Coca-Cola bottle,
a green plastic bottle...
...a badly burned wristwatch stopped
at 12.45, and a set of keys. No bodies.
You'd kill, Frank?
Is that what you're sayin'?
I wouldn't give it no more thought
than wringin' a cat's neck.
- I want the area searched. Every inch.
- Yes, sir.
And there ain't a court in Mississippi
that'd convict me for it.
- It's a big swamp.
- Every inch, Mr. Bird.
How about you, Deputy?
- How are you with wringin' necks, huh?
- Just keep pushin' me, Hoover boy.
I guess they never left Mississippi.
You get this straight, you cornhole fucker.
They're dead. They're dead.
Tell your queer-ass bosses they'll never
find them civil rightsters down here.
Mr. Bird?
- Yes, sir?
- There's a telephone at the truck stop.
So you might as well pack your bags
and head up North where you belong.
Get to it, get on it, and get me
a hundred more men here by morning.
You get this straight, shitkicker.
- A hundred?
- A hundred.
Don't you go mistakin' me
for some whole other body.
- Bureau people, sir?
- I don't care if it's the army!
Your brain's in your dick
if you think we'll just fade away.
- I want this entire swamp searched!
- Yes, sir.
We're gonna be here
till this thing's finished.
Don't do it, Mr. Ward.
How about you, Deputy?
- You'll just start a war.
- It was a war long before we got here.
Is that gun just for show?
Or do you get to shoot people
once in a while?
Thanks for the beer.