Mississippi Burning

Ask them if they want to help save this
country from the onslaught of integration,

You know the system: They want to throw
white children and colored children...

... into the melting pot of integration...
... out of which will come a conglomerated,
mulatto, mongrel class of people!

Both races will be destroyed
in such a movement,

I, for one, under God will die
before I'll yield one inch...

... to that kind of a movement in America,
Do you know the trouble you've caused?
They've been on the radio all day,
talkin' about FBI intimidation.

Get the fuck outta here now!
We're not thugs, Mr. Anderson.
We're gonna do this thing my way.

- I know. Bureau procedure.
- Why were you at the beauty parlor?

If that was Bureau business, I wanna
know about it. If not, I won't allow it.

- Do you understand me?!
- Get in here!

You know your problem? You don't know
when to speak and when to shut up!

That makes you a fool!
Mrs. Pell won't say anything
her husband doesn't want her to.

And I'm not gonna choke it out of her!
This can of worms
only opens from the inside.

I know that.
The sheriff's alibi is solid. He was playing
poker with his wife's brother and cousins.

Freedom! Freedom!
- The whole time?
- For three hours. He lost $11.38.

There's something else. We're having
a little trouble with the motel manager.

White nigger!
- What kind of trouble?
- He wants us out. We're bad for business.

White niggers!
Buy it.
- Sorry, sir?
- Buy it!

Hurry up! Hurry up!
The motel.
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
- How high can I go?
- Whatever it takes.
