Do we have to tell you 2,000 times?
Go back where you belong!
Get outta my face!
Get on outta here and leave us alone!
Leave us alone!
Go on home where you belong, boy!
You're gonna get hurt!
Mr. Ward, this is gettin' to be
about as much as we can take.
- I cannot register a stronger complaint.
- Not now, sir.
Now, just a minute. I resent your
public pursuit of my sheriff's department.
You have made every effort to
implicate them in these disappearances.
Your slimy innuendoes are not evidence
that they were connected with any crime.
We're trying to get to the truth.
We're frustrated too.
Any jackass can point a finger,
but that ain't evidence.
Us old cotton-choppers are still
stupid enough to believe in democracy.
- We know our rights under the law!
- You know somethin', all right.
- I'd bet a cotton-choppin' dollar on that.
- You're gettin' so far up my nose...
...I'm beginnin' to feel
your boots on my chin.
And I'm tellin' you one more time,
Mr. Apple Red.
A couple of crazies in bed sheets dancin'
round the countryside scarin' Negroes...
...is not the fault of the entire
state of Mississippi!
There are three dead kids and a lot of
scared people because of your sheriff.
- So get used to havin' us around.
- Get used to my boots on your chin too.
And you people better back off.
Goddamn FBI. Who do they think they are,
comin' to my part of the country...
- Do you have a statement, Mr. Mayor?
- Goddamn right I have.
For a moment there, Mr. Anderson...
...it sounded like we were
both on the same side.